Payment Links

Leverage payment links to get paid faster.

What are Payment Links?

Managing overdue payments can be challenging. Payment links offer a simplified and efficient solution for collecting overdue payments from contractors. This article provides an overview of payment links and how you can leverage them to get paid faster and provide a seamless payment experience for your customers.


Payment links are links that enable contractors to pay multiple invoices with a single payment. By consolidating outstanding payments, you can send one link instead of multiple payment requests. Payment links support various methods, such as credit cards, bank transfers, and ACH transactions, offering flexibility for your customers.

Benefits of Payment Links

  1. Simplified Payment Process: Streamline the payment experience for you and your customers, increasing the likelihood of timely payments.
  2. Reduced Administrative Burden: Save time and effort by managing fewer payment requests, freeing up resources for other business activities.
  3. Improved Cash Flow: Prompt collection of overdue payments enhances your company's financial stability.



Tip! An order can only be part of one payment link at a time!



Payment links provide an effective solution for streamlining the collection of overdue payments, improving cash flow, and enhancing the overall payment experience for building material suppliers and their contractor customers.