How To Review Order Edit History

This article summarizes the steps required to view the order history for an order in the Tough Commerce Ecosystem.

It's important to be able to track the edit history of an order to see what was changed by who and when.

Luckily, the Tough Commerce dashboards tracks each and every change made in the history of an order, which is visible to all dashboard users via a few simple steps.

First, search the order you wish to view the history for by entering the order number in the search bar.

history 1


Click on the order to expand the order card to see the interaction icons. Then click on the "History" icon. (highlighted in red)

history 2

Clicking on the clock/History icon, which will expand a history tab on the right side of the screen, which provides a detailed timeline for what edits were made to an order and when, including the name of the user that made the changes to the order.

history 3