How To Edit Taxes?

This article will illustrate how to manage taxes in the Brokrete ecosystem.

Deleting A Tax


To remove an unnecessary tax from a partner/supplier, first search from the supplier in the search bar. Once the supplier has been selected, click the “Tax” button in the left hand menu

Tax Start


To delete a tax, click the 3 dots to the far right side of the tax field you wish to remove and select delete.

Tax Delete

Adding A Tax


Click “Add new” in the top right corner to add the tax you wish to add.


Tax Add New 1

Clicking the “Add new” button brings up a row with fields that must be populated to create a new tax.

Tax Add New 2

Tax: what the tax will be shown as internally.
Tax Display name: what the tax will be displayed as on the customer’s invoices.

Rate: the rate at which the tax is charged.
Tax System: if entered manually will be “Custom”.
Country State: the region in which the tax is charged.