How To View Job Info For Trucks

This article outlines the steps to check Job Info, Pour Time, Pin Location, and more for Trucks and Deliveries

Each order in the Tough Commerce ecosystem that is assigned to a truck or driver will generate job-specific data in the "DELIVERY TIME & METHODS" tab. To view that information, follow the steps below.

(Note: Job Info will only be visible for loads that have been delivered by a driver via the app)

1) Navigate to the order you wish to see the information for in the dashboard. Screen Shot 2023-08-03 at 11.08.36 AM


2) Click on the order number to enter the page for the order.

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3) Navigate down to the "DELIVERY TIME & METHODS" section and click the ">" icon to the right of any driver that has finished their delivery (denoted by the "Delivered" status")

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4) Clicking the ">" Icon to the right of the driver will present the drop down menu below, which will show the various information about a delivery.

Truck Notes: highlights any notes the drivers place on the order, along with pictures.

Pin Location: shows physical location of pour along with image from pour.

Delivery List: if enabled, will show list of items delivered

Signature: shows signature acquired on site by driver

Job Info: shows time related data for jobs, including start, stop, arrival, and time spent on site.

Custom Delivery Controls: shows any information input by the driver related to ingredients, mix designs, et. 

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