How To Assign Drivers To An Order

This article outlines the steps to assigning driver(s) to an order via the Orders page as well as the schedule page.

Assigning a driver to an order is an important aspect of Order Management in the Tough Commerce ecosystem. This allows drivers to see and interact with their assigned orders in the driver app, and allows for communication between the dashboard and driver app. 

Drivers can be assigned to an order in one of two ways: from the Orders page, and from the schedule page.

Assigning A Driver From The Orders Page

To assign a driver to an order via the orders page, first search the order you wish to add a driver to. Once you have selected the order you wish to assign a driver to, click on the green driver icon inside of the order. (pictured below, outlined in red)

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Clicking on the driver icon will bring up the "Schedule" pop up (pictured below). This page will allow you to edit quantities per truck, add or remove trucks from orders, and most importantly assign drivers to orders.

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Quantity can be changed, by clicking the - or + button, or by typing a new number in.
Additional Trucks can be added by clicking "Add Truck".
Additional Trucks can be deleted by clicking the garbage can next to a truck.
Time Between Trucks can be edited by clicking the drop down menu below that field, and selecting the appropriate level of time.
Lastly, a Driver can be added by clicking the "DRIVER" field, and selecting the driver from the drop down that appears (pictured below)

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Drivers are associated with yards, the drivers available to be chosen for an order are specific to the Location specified in the "FROM LOCATION" field.

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Once the appropriate driver has been selected, click Save to finalize assigning that driver to the order.


Assigning A Driver From The Schedule Tab

In addition to assigning drivers from the Orders page, drivers can be assigned to orders via the Schedule page. Navigate to the SCHEDULE page by clicking the tab on the left. Once on the schedule page, select the date you wish to assign drivers for by selecting the date from the date field.

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Once you've selected the appropriate date, you can see the assigned and unassigned orders for that specific date. Orders that have already had drivers assigned will show up pre-populated on the schedule page. Unassigned Orders that still require a driver to be assigned to them will be viewable by clicking the Orders (#) next to the date button. (highlighted by the red circle)

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Clicking on the Orders (#) button will open the tab on the right side of the screen that shows the order that don't have drivers assigned. To assign a driver to an order, simply click and hold the 6 circle square in the top of the left of the order card, and drag it onto the driver you wish to assign it to.

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 Once completed, the order will show next to the appropriate driver on the schedule page. 

Changing Driver Assigned to An Order

To change a driver assigned to an order:

From The Orders Screen: Repeat the steps outlined in "Assigning A Driver From The Orders Page", but and select a different driver from the drop down menu.

From The Schedule Screen: If an order has already been assigned to a driver, it can be assigned to another driver from the scheduling screen simply by dragging and dropping the order onto another driver.

Delivery timing and truck spacing can also be edited via this process.